Thursday, October 22, 2009

Social Media/Objects in Our Lives

In class we have started talking about social media in our lives. Social media does play a role in my life. The dominating websites are facebook and youtube.


The object of facebook is to keep in touch with friends and family. It is also status updates and chats. There are many different applications to take quizzes, play games, etc. You can post comments, videos, and sounds on each others walls.

The objective of youtube is to share videos. People can share videos with each other, post comments, and rate the videos.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Not About Love

Here is our project!! Finally finished. YAY!!!

We presented our own interpretation of a Fiona Apple song. The lyrics are spoken and the story is told through pictures.

Hope you like it : )

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Group Project

Today, my digital video group was finally able to meet to discuss our project. We met for about 2 hours and brainstormed ideas. We were able to come up with a plan to complete the video. We will be telling a story based on a song.

Once we decided on a specific song, we went through the lyrics stanza by stanza and came up with different ideas to represent the images presented in the song. The song is very poetic.

Now it is a matter of gathering the images for the project. That may prove to be more time consuming or difficult than we originally thought, but now that we have a specific plan it should be easier to get things done.